On Consciousness, Chaos, & Tranquility

This 10 minute/day habit lends the focused composure of a Jedi.

C.C. Francis
a Few Words


Photo by Simon Zhu on Unsplash


What does this word conjure up for you?

When I talk about this with friends/family, they universally roll their eyes.

These people are stressed. They are overwhelmed. They are anxious during the day. They have trouble sleeping at night. Some neglect daily activities and self-care.

During the pandemic, a disturbingly significant part of my social circle have stopped caring for the routines they used to follow. They’ve withdrawn. They focus on things they can’t control. News. Politics. Social media.

We cannot control our surroundings.

More than that, we cannot even directly control our thoughts.

But we can be aware of them — and through that awareness, we can achieve tranquility.

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

What are you thinking about right now?

