Once in a Lifetime

Hannah Victoria
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2019


Photo by Marcelo Cidrack on Unsplash

The water was cold, the soap was in my eyes and the shark was coming closer. “Now,” the guys on the boat yelled and we dived, completely submerging ourselves in the freezing water to get a better view of the big sharks.

As the shark approached, I was trying to focus, to be in the moment, to truly appreciate how special the opportunity was. Instead, I just felt a little cold and very scared.

What if the shark got past the cage and I ended up losing a limb? Why did the fish they used to attract the sharks smell so bad?

Once in a lifetime moments involve a lot of pressure. You only have that one chance to get it right and you have to be in the moment, enjoying it to the best of your ability while still making sure to remember all of it properly. Maybe you should also capture it?

But then what if you’re too focused on taking pictures to truly appreciate what is happening around you?

I’ve learned that sometimes it’s better to just let the pressure go. The shark encounter will always be a treasured memory for me but not because of the sharks.

Instead, I’ll always remember my mum yelling “I can’t believe it’s so cold. Pee as quickly as you can,” reminding of us of the best way to get a little warmer in our wet suits and how we made our way back home, soaked and cold but laughing at how…

