Our Love Was a Sandbox

Maisha Rachmat
a Few Words
Published in
Oct 22, 2021
Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

maybe our love was a sandbox
a playground for us to play pretend
a theater to prepare us for the real world

when we were together, my world was only within your corners
your smile my anchor
your eyes my vision
and your voice my savior

I had to travel beyond to see
that our love was a dotted instant
on a timeline of infinity

I have so much life left to live
and not all of it with you

maybe one day, our timelines will cross
and separate, once again

but until then
I’ll remain free
of the character you boxed me in
and discover
who I really am.



Maisha Rachmat
a Few Words

Full-time content writer, part-time poetry enthusiast.