Our Wild Turkey Gave Us Great Joy And Wisdom Of The World

Life lessons from the most humble of beings can teach us so very much

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words
2 min readMar 18, 2022


Photo by Y S on Unsplash

The day the music died

We have many “free range” birds surrounding us in Kona, Hawaii.

Every morning, and every evening, we would hear the Tom Turkey I came to call Kolo Kolo, (Hawaiian for the gobble, gobble sound) calling from high on his Jacaranda tree roost.

Three days ago, on our usual evening walk we came upon him, crippled, bleeding, and crumpled. He crouched against the glass window of a building.

It will forever be mystery how he came to this sad state. When we first moved here, there were many turkeys, fewer people, fewer dogs, fewer cars.

What happened next is a long and harrowing story. Although, in panic, Kolo Kolo could fly a few feet, only to tumble down again upon the rocky, lava rock ground. He could not perch, could not feed himself, could not live in this condition.

We knew we had to get him to a vet as soon as possible. He was suffering so.

We did manage to capture him, but sadly he had to be euthanized as he had at least three fractures and serious damage all around.

It is so difficult to know one has done the right thing. Everyone easily says, “You can’t leave someone in torment.” I fully agree. But honestly, we cannot know if the trauma, transport, and tribulation that Kolo Kolo endured by our “rescue” was best for him. Perhaps nature kindly kept him in shock, and he would have died from dehydration, or predation, or slowly faded, or, … we can never know.

What Wonder Nature gives

Today, I buried his memory in the form of the scrap of cloth we used to capture him.

I set out a red hibiscus, and planted some small Song of India plants. I spoke a few words directly to him:

“From high in the Jacaranda tree I hear your Dawn and Dusk call. I know that Nature/God/Creation has made a brand, new day, or sings to signal the start of a starry, sacred night. And, I have hope.”

His little songs always comforted, and provided great cheer. We must all remember to acknowledge wonders like this. To paraphrase Samuel Taylor Coleridge, One prays the best who loves the best, all creatures great and small, for the dear God who loves us, has made and does love all.

In this very messy, noisy world, We must all remember the little miracles and songs that erupt all about us.

I will never forget you, Kolo Kolo.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.