Passing the Torch and Letting Go

I saw my life as a relay with the future and the past. Meditation thoughts.

Kari Watterson
a Few Words


Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash

I’m in position on the path.

Annoyed. Anxious. Waiting.

I hop in place, shake out my arms

My patience quickly fading.

Frequently I glance behind me

Wondering when she’ll appear.

It’s been a long time coming

But the moment’s finally here.

I spot her lone on the horizon,

Her broken, stumbling gait.

Still she’s steadily limping toward me,

Torch held high and still ablaze.

Every trial and tribulation she carried

In a rucksack on her back.

I wonder how she made it through

Carrying the weight of all her past.

I watch her keep on moving,

Wondering if she’d fall.

There were times in the past I questioned

If she’d ever come at all.

One step, then two steps,

She falters but does not give up.



Kari Watterson
a Few Words

Life & Mindset Coach. Podcast Host. Until you work on your mind, you'll keep recreating your past. Break the cycle. 1:1 coaching.