Plastic Forks


Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash

A few days ago I was at the local hospital and went to the cafeteria for lunch. I picked up a salad in a plastic container and went to get my plastic fork.

The last time I was at the cafeteria I pushed a lever and a plastic fork came out of a machine. Today there was a sign that read.

We provide plastic utensils with the purchase of food please see the cashier.

It was wrapped in plastic!

This is not right. Somebody took too many plastic utensils and now, to save a few cents they are willing to sacrifice the environment. Something must be done.

But wait, if they distribute fewer plastic utensils then the total amount from the forks and the wrap may actually be less than the original amount when it was just forks.

But wait, they have recycling bins so we can just toss the plastic forks and the wrap into the bins and they will be recycled.

But wait, recycling takes energy and that’s not good for the environment and plastic wrap can be recycled but you need to separate it from the hard plastic and most of the time it is just discarded and it is not biodegradable.

But wait, what exactly were the forks wrapped in? They were not wrapped in plastic. They were wrapped in Cellophane…



Jim McAulay🍁 I'm nobody. Are you a nobody too?
a Few Words

I love puns. Use this link if you love them too. I’m not joking, but Stephen King has a son who is Joe King.