Popular Lies Writers Tell Themselves

Write Anyway.

Sarah Nderi
a Few Words


No One Wants To Read This

Which is probably true at times but you’ll never know until you start writing. What’s more, your craft will never get better until you write. Not once, or twice but consistently showing up every single day and writing.

Most of my work is on parenting, product descriptions and client work. At times, I would rather be writing about something else. However, work gives me the inspiration to write and too much free time inhibits me from writing.

I am Not Prepared

Every writer tells themselves this. You don’t have the right equipment, you have a faulty laptop or your phone has a mind of its own. At least you have some form of equipment. Ignore this voice and write anyway.

I am Not Well Versed in This Topic

While I write a lot of parenting articles, I am not a parent myself. My articles hinge on online research, books and a dose of my personality.

Sure, I could have refused and said I don’t have experience on that but that would be working against my bottom line.

I don’t Have Authority to Speak on This Topic

