
Parul Sharma
a Few Words
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2020
Photo by Aurélien — Wild Spot on Unsplash

The accident wasn’t her fault, losing her child, her family everything was storming back to her when she was passing through that bridge where it all started.

She remembers the tiny details of the place, how she and her husband kissed each other for the very first time there, that strong body, firm hands, soft lips was like passing an electric current through her body. The first time they made love in the tiny camp on a cold night in that forest beside that road. It felt like it was yesterday.

But after 10 years of marriage, losing her child to a deadly disease, divorcing her husband she is now all alone. She was driving fast to leave that road behind to leave those memories behind and everything when suddenly it was all black and she was not herself. She heard a loud crash and then everything was numb like cold silence.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in a hospital bed, she was trying hard to remember as to what happened when a woman standing beside her, held her hand and told the nurse that the accident wasn’t her fault.



Parul Sharma
a Few Words

Dentist || Numerologist || Fiction Writer 📜 Believes in "quod tandem usque in sempiternum"