Rebecca Warrington

Seeing the World Through the Eyes of a Child

Life is better that way

Rebecca Jane Warrington
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2021


Ocean view

Close my eyes smell the salty sea air, open them, see the crashing, frothy waves in front of me

A child stands before me picking up tiny stones between nimble, equally tiny fingers placing them methodically into a red bucket

Sand castles constructed, teeny hands gingerly patting the plastic mould, only to smash and start again and again.

Wide curious eyes searching the sand finding fragments of colourful plastic, overlooked and inconsequential to the grown up eye

Home again

Blocks and puzzles pieces strewn across the carpet, absorbing the endless joy of destruction

Adult eyes groan at the messiness, seeing only the clean up ahead, wearied of the child’s play

This child lives between naughty and nice, playing the naughty one through slanting mischievous eyes, spinning tales of wickedness

How quickly he switches, eyes rounded, now he’s nice, always the hero

Through the eyes of a child you discover the simplicities and intricacies of the world around you

On the way to the park

