Simple Habits that will help you lead a successful life

Romee Panchal
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2019

There are many aspects of life. To lead a successful life you need to focus on improving your health, wealth, and knowledge. Following are key area where you need to build better habits.


Daily exercise boost your overall health. It helps you stay fit, boost immune system, and overcome stress. This particular habit will give you long term health benefits that you will appreciate in long term.


Today’s world is very noisy. We generally face a lot of stress due work, responsibilities etc. This stress leads to anxiety and depression. Daily meditation helps you stay calm and stress free. With 10–15 minutes of meditation practice daily, your focus will increase. This increased focus will allow you to do deep work. As a result your overall quality of life will improve.


Whether it is job or business, to be successful, you need to constantly learn something new. Books are full of other people’s experience that you can use for your advantage. Reading daily is one of the best habit that you can build. Every book you read, will make you smarter than you were before reading it. This habit will help you to develop a personal knowledge tree that you can use life long.

Time Investment

If there is one resource that can not be reproduced, it is time. Habit of tracking your time and wisely use it can make you successful in life. Think of time as money. If you want to make more money by investing in stocks or other funds. You study and plan your investing strategy. Only then you gain better ROI. Similarly, build a habit to track your time if you want to be successful.

Picture source: Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash

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