Slut-shaming should stop

Tanishka Pawar
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2020

SLUT, WHORE, HOE, what do we really mean when we use these terms? Well if you google it, you will get that these terms are used to refer to a woman with many casual sexual partners. but in reality, people have been using such terms whenever a girl’s lifestyle is not according to what their mindset is. People find it so easy to use these terms, they often forget what impact it can have on the girls.

How many times do we come across, people talking about how a girl dresses and judging her on the basis of the length of her dress. “She wears such revealing clothes, she is always asking for it”, what do people mean by she is asking for it, she wears such clothes because she wants to wear them. “She is such a slut, she is always seen around boys”, when did it become such a big crime to be seen with the opposite gender?

We talk about empowering women, but knowingly or unknowingly, we are actually weakening the women at a very young age. A 17-year old girl is called a ‘slut’ for posting pictures on social media showing her cleavage. A 22-year old girl who was in a relationship with a guy becomes a ‘slut’ because she broke up with him so that she is able to focus on her career and obviously that hurts the male ego, so he will have to teach her a lesson, he might morph her pictures just because she left him. Not just this, even when a guy records the sexual act between him and the girl, without her permission it amounts to slut-shame. This is just a bit of what happens, things like these have an everlasting impact on a girl and a lot of times on her family.


When a girl has to face this kind of criticism for doing what she loves, this breaks her into pieces and the embarrassment, the pain, and the humiliation that comes along perhaps can lead them to give up their lives. We never know what the other person is going through and when we label girls we could be giving them reasons to quit their lives.
Not just suicides, but depression can be the other outcome as well. And depression is equally worse. the person pulls back from almost everything- their social life, their careers, their families. They are no longer the same person they used to be.

Nobody wants to be the reason for someone’s death, nobody wants to be treated this way. So why don’t we amend our ways, and start respecting a girl’s choice? I am sure this will also help us focus more on our lives than theirs.

