Some day, it’s perfectly okay to sit back and do nothing

Naomi Pham
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2020
Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Some day you just don’t want to write. You have stuff to write about, but you don’t feel like typing it down. You want to do anything but write what you’re supposed to write. It’s not fear. It’s not a lack of ideas. You have an outline. But you’re too tired to write.

Drawing a blank page isn’t so bad. It’s okay to take breaks once in a while. But what if you take too many? I couldn’t tell. What I could tell is this: It happens to everyone. There are days when we just feel depressed, when we have nothing to tell and it’s okay. Perfectly okay.

In those days, it’s better to call for a break and stare out of the window, thinking. Of what? Anything. It may be the medicine you need right now. Free thoughts are not bad at all, like most people said.

We all need healing days. Days that we don’t do nothing, just lay back and be ourselves. Those days are just beautiful. Then we need to remind ourselves that there’s no need to rush. Take one step at a time.

You want so much. It’s okay. But you want so much in such a short time, then it’s not okay anymore. Ego is blinding you. You don’t need to do more. You can do everything, but you can’t do everything in one day. You need to take a rest. You deserve it. We all deserve it. I don’t know why it has to be so hard. What worse can it be? You won’t die.

You are allowed to be bored, desperate and vulnerable. Don’t push them away. Don’t try to cheer yourself up. It’s essential to be in a bad mood sometimes, and do things you’re supposed to do, in that mood. Then you can learn to appreciate the times when you feel good. “No mud, no lotus”.

But am I weak to admit defeat to these emotions? No, quite the opposite. You are strong because you accept that you are weak.

Just for a moment, sit back and do nothing. It’s not stop caring. It’s bringing you back to yourselves, to care more about yourselves, so that you can care more about others.

