Sometimes Editors Get it Wrong

But don’t badger them about it.

a Few Words


Photo by Fauxels via Pexels

Don’t worry, I’m not about to trash talk every single editor alive.

Frankly, I think their job is more critical than we realize. They give honest feedback on our writing so we won’t publish horrendous articles into the void. Chances are they do more jobs than editing. They’re the captain, mate, 2nd mate, and cook of their own ship!

So I always take their words as the holy grail. But recently, I’m starting to understand that editors are humans too and sometimes they get the editing job wrong.

Let me explain.

They could give your writing unnecessary mistakes.

An editor who attempted to give my work a facelift ended up botching the whole operation with an overload of commas.

There were so many unnecessary commas that a few sentences didn’t make sense. I had to re-read it because I thought I saw unwanted black dust mites on my screen. I tried to re-edit it, but by then it was too late.

That’s okay with me. Out of all the writing I’ve submitted to various publications, this is the first time I’ve had disagreements with an editor. It’s not the end of my writing career.



a Few Words

I write about life lessons, writing, social justice, and productivity. New articles published weekly. Follow me on Twitter :