Stop Resisting What Comes Your Way

The Key to A More Happy and Fulfilled Life

Sammy Wan
a Few Words


Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

Have you ever observed the movement of waves on the ocean, how it rolls up against the shores and effortlessly plunges back far and wide, out into the vast ocean space? It’s deeply mesmerizing and yet insightful for us.

What if we stopped resisting what comes our way?

What if we sit with it and witness the space we are in?

It’s the true nature within us and the path to how we can live with more ease and peace each day. It’s so easy to focus on what we don’t want, but as you change the language you use and focus on what you WANT instead, things will start to flow and that blockage — be it emotional, mental or physical will open up to new energies and opportunities.

The goal of any true resistance is to affect outcomes, not just to vent. And the only way to affect outcomes and thrive in our lives is to find the eye in the hurricane and act from that place of inner strength. — Arianna Huffington

Instead of resisting or suppressing any emotion that comes up in difficult situations, simply witness it. Ask yourself:



Sammy Wan
a Few Words

Inspiring mindfulness, creativity & growth through my personal reflections | An invitation to mind-body approach for more wisdom: