Success Comes in Inches, Not Miles

A poem urging a more dependable approach to your goals.

Rex McGuinness
a Few Words
2 min readMar 24, 2023


A woman climbing stairs, taking one step at a time.
Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

To do the things we have desired
and build the life of our dreams,
it’s best to go slowly and steady
it’s not nearly as hard as it seems.

We make our quest very much harder
by hurling ourselves into action,
we think it is really heroic
but it never gains any real traction.

The faster we go at our target
like a push-bike rolling downhill,
the more chance that we will fall off it
our efforts amounting to nil.

Gritting our teeth can be one way
to go at the thing that we need,
but deep down inside we already know
we’re doomed to never succeed.

But if we march slower toward it
with a steady yet eager resolve,
you’ll never be able to guess just how far
your life will progress and evolve.

By going a little bit slower
you open the gates to success,
the journey you’re taking is surer
and comes with a whole lot less stress.

One step at a time is far better
than leaping straight into the fire,
you’ve a much better chance at succeeding
and getting the thing you desire.

The reason this works to the better
and gives a superior end,
is we’re able to keep moving forward
and develop a regular trend.

Like water that wears away sandstone
its power is in its resolve,
it keeps dripping on over and over
and makes difficult problems dissolve.

When you move in a constant direction
just a little bit at a time,
it’s amazing how soon you can get to your goal
and how far you are able to climb.

We look at the heroes we worship
and imagine they got there so fast,
we never suspect that it’s toiling away
and all the tests they have passed.

So hop on the wagon that's going
to the place you have wanted to go,
enjoy the adventure before you
never mind if it seems a bit slow.

There’s something that well-to-do people
know better than most of the mob,
it’s the value of little things all adding up
that finally finish the job.

Most people drive themselves crazy
by throwing themselves at their goal,
the pace that they try to keep up with
makes them give up and crushes their soul.

Just keep your nose to the grindstone
your mind is determined and set,
you’ll get there at last if you stay on the road
you’ll achieve the goal you have set.



Rex McGuinness
a Few Words

Sharing the lessons I learned the hard way. Practical ways to improve your life.