Take A Deep Breath

Especially Now

Concierge Jo-Anna~Communications Connector
a Few Words


Aimee Dolich

Life is a challenge even in good times. When things get sticky & a bit tougher, I always come back to something simple, free & extremely helpful.

Just breathing deeply for a few minutes, & trying not to think about anything else, can be amazingly refreshing & beneficial.

Most people don’t breathe deeply enough. Especially when stressed, we tend to gulp air in a shallow fashion, barely filling the upper chest.

The next time you feel panicked or anxious, or even just tired & spent, try this simple exercise.

Breathe in slowly for 4–8 seconds. Wherever you’re comfortable beginning.

Hold the breath for the same amount of time: 4–8 seconds.

Exhale the breath for the same amount of time: 4–8 seconds.

Repeat this at least 4 times, each time trying to draw breath deeper into your body, through your belly & your lower back. Try not to think about anything else but your breathing. Listen to the sound of it. Feel it coming in & going out. You can use this technique anywhere, & at any time, to reset your sense of physical & mental well-being.

Best, Concierge Jo-Anna

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