Take some time out for yourself

I do it. Perhaps, you should try too.

Tanoy Chowdhury
a Few Words
2 min readDec 1, 2019


Originally posted by Alex Fu on Pexels.com

Everyday, in the evening, I spend some time alone. I grab a cup of lemon tea and just walk on a lane right next to my office.

I just walk. I do nothing else.

No texting. No internet surfing. Not talking to anyone else. Just walking.

I look at other people, observe the trees, street dogs, and even the sky sometimes.

I know, what you’re thinking — Why would someone want to do that?

It doesn’t make any sense. Yes, maybe it doesn’t. And, that’s exactly what I want.

I don’t attach much importance to it, so that it doesn’t become an obligation or a thing that has to be shared with the world.

I want to spend this time just with myself.

I don’t need the likes, upvotes, claps, shares and comments.

Neither do I want to take a snap and share it with the world to show them how awesome or dreadful my life is.

I don’t want to add it in my KRA and impress my superior to get the employee of the year award.

I want to do it because it feels good to zone out from the constant chatter and cacophony.

I take this time out to remind myself that I’m the most important thing that I have in this world. Most crucial resource that I will ever possess. Most advanced machine that I can ever control. Most fulfilling relationship that I could ever cherish.

If I don’t give it much attention, I will be drowned in the pings and chimes, psychedelic lights and the gut-wrenching music, week after week, day after day. Until, I realize that I wasted a significant part of my life in following others and impressing people, trying to be a part of a clan when I could have spared a few minutes with myself — doing nothing. Just being ME.

I don’t really have a concrete learning to share in this blog. Honestly, I don’t feel there is much for you to takeaway.

But, if you’ve scrolled till here, then I have got a question for you — When was the last time you spend some time all by yourself?

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s publication that only accepts stories under 500 words.

If you have a few meaningful words to say and want to be a writer in our publication, visit here.

