Tales We Tell Ourselves

Getting hurt by love is not something you can avoid

Gabriela Vela
a Few Words
2 min readAug 23, 2020


Photo by Hannah Skelly on Unsplash

Have you ever wonder how does it feel to love someone?

I dream about it now and then,

Pathetic, selfish perhaps, a fairytale that

Made my life easier to cope

Your eyes open and real life

Throws you a sarcastic smile

You think you're too good for anyone,

That was my best lie

I feel sorry for the tears that my friends shed,

Not worth it, Not for me at least

You’ll never know what is like

To love someone more than yourself

That was actually my point at the end

I thought I was playing hard to catch

There was no one there to catch me,

There never was,

Be careful, Lying to yourself

Is the most dangerous game

Parties and worthless kisses

Strangers arms twisting around me,

Laughter and numbness

So much noise in my head, life was never worst

Loving the feeling of it,

excitement screamed your name

After a while and some quiet

Sadness arrived

From the thoughts and the lies

Of the story, I made in my mind

Why can’t I love someone?

Is it me? Is it them?

High expectations of love

Can hurt more than love itself

And I was living it in the flesh

You don’t talk to me

Now that I told you how I felt

Love or obsession, friendship or more

You became the one I was looking for

Maybe my dream of love was just a fairytale

I can’t imagine Peter losing Wendy

But you broke my heart

And the tale can’t only have one.

