The Air is Fresh and Clean

I left the smoky west coast, and now breathe deep the wisdom on the wind and waves of ocean

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words


Photo by Wolfgang Hassellmann on Unsplash

Today, with wind off of the ocean, the air is fresh and clean. I inhale long, deep breaths, and feel oxygenated blood revitalize my flagging brains cells and rejuvenate my tired body.

Elections are over. Relief for most. Stress and loss for others. I must tear my thoughts from the West coast where fire and smoke persists. Breathe.

I want the whole world to know this fresh breath of clean air. Maybe we can get there someday, but only if those of us privileged enough to breathe free can remember those who “can’t breathe” today.

Let us who can breathe be mindful and present. Let us know, dear gods of air and ocean, that we realize Earth is like a body. The other cells, people, forests, animals, might be struggling to breathe.

Just as no man is an island, and no island is alone, sweep the globe with every wisp of fresh air that carries a message of hope for our shared atmosphere.

Some may be in intensive care units with COVID-19. Some may be lost in smothering addictions as they try to self-medicate suffering. They may be in actual smoke, and fire, or flooded, miasmic, dank air full of spores of mold, or mildew. Or, they may…



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.