The Anatomy of Your Internal War

There is a way to experience peace.

Jordin James
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2021


Photo by Hasan Almasi

You are made up of parts. Tons of little personalities in there.

The one that wants to eat the cake. The one that is afraid to gain weight. And the one that shames you for being afraid of gaining weight because aren’t you supposed to be a feminist?

You were born with all of these parts inside of you, but they had totally different roles. Helpful in both intent and outcome. Likely the opposite roles they are playing now.

But when you got the message that you weren’t going to get your needs met just by being yourself, your parts twisted from their original role and started helping you become who you should be in order to get your needs met.

Whoever you think you are supposed to be, your parts had to twist and harden to try and help you become that.

And when one part twists too hard in one direction, like the part who is terrified of gaining weight, another part twists in the opposite direction, like the part who shames you for even caring about gaining weight. This is to ensure your internal ecosystem remains as balanced as possible.

This creates polarizations between your parts. It creates the part of you who gives everything and the part of you who resents being taken advantage…



Jordin James
a Few Words

Worthiness coach, writer, parts work expert. Replacing loneliness with belonging, one part at a time. Find more: // Socials: @justjordinjames