The Message I Sent to the Person Who Changed Me Who I Am
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay


The Message I Sent to the Person Who Changed Me Who I Am

If only my past me would know this all…

Lorenz Duremdes, Polymath
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2020


O n exactly 21 November 2019 I sent a message to someone I used to love and, in turn, changed me who I am completely. From being a “doormat” to being a confident guy.

If only my past me would know this all… The old me wouldn’t wish for anything other than the same events to unfold.

If you saw the size of the blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting.

This was the message (translated from Dutch to English):

Me: Hey X, everything alright?

Her: Who’s this? (Probably removed my number, imagine the confidence required not to let my ego fall apart and send what I am about to send)

Me: Hey, it’s Lorenz.

Her: Oh hey. Yes, it’s going alright with me and you?

Me: Yes, everything is fine with me too.

…I was talking with my personal coach the previous week and we were talking about my life history. Well, you are part of that, or at least, I feel like you are. I asked her if she taught it’s a good idea to send what I am about to send, and she said “Yes”. So here it is:



Lorenz Duremdes, Polymath
a Few Words

Primary: Intelligence Amplification (Overlap: Computer Science) | Secondary: Sports (Data) Science (Specialization: Road Cycling and Resistance Training)