The Most Powerful Words That Restore My Mojo

Caroline de Braganza
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2019


(Prompt from A Few Words)

Word Clouds? (Source: M. Maggs on Pixabay)

Our default is to focus on what else will go wrong when things are going wrong

Our natural survival mechanism.

Then we fill our heads with words that strengthen our brain’s negative bias.

  • I can’t do this.
  • Nothing ever goes right.
  • I’m useless.
  • Why is this happening to me?

The only way to break the loop is to override it with helpful thoughts.

Language is how we communicate with ourselves and each other — words.

Although our circumstances won’t change overnight, we can conjure up words that lift us up, words that change our perspective, words that nurture and strengthen our resilience.

The words we use and the images we create in our minds give birth to how we experience our reality.

Finding the right words

Since recovering from bouts of depression over twenty years ago, I have actively sought affirmations, quotes and stories that kept me going when I felt overwhelmed.

But when I had to retire four years ago, the fear factor crept in — so much that…



Caroline de Braganza
a Few Words

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.