The Pendulum

Jim Fritzen
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2019


Inspired by my friend Yael Wolfe

“England swings like a pendulum do”, Roger Miller

The swing and the pendulum, or the swing as the pendulum. Swinging freely is a gleeful memory of almost everyone.

Be careful though, swinging too high is dangerous.

There are mood swings, economic swings and political swings.

Mood swings are part of human nature. Love and heartbreak, satisfaction and disappointment, elation and sorrow are part of life. We learn, experience and grow, but extremes are described as bi-polar or manic depressive.

Economic swings are part of a free market systems.

Economic extremes led to The Great Depression and many recessions over the years.

Swings are good, extremes not so much.

Currently, pundits, talking heads, news media and polarized politicians insist on pushing the pendulum left and right to the extremes.

Anyone see the danger?

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Jim Fritzen
a Few Words

The Cost Guy, life observer and proudly apolitical seeking truth in a World that spins.