The Power of Thank You

Gratitude can change the whole world for the better.

Murray "MJ" Blehart
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2020


Thank you.

The words “thank you” are powerful generators of positivity.

If “I am” are the most important words of mindfulness — and generators of positivity — then “thank you” are the next most important.

Thank you is the simplest and yet possibly most powerful means to convey gratitude. Thank you can change a negative moment into a positive one.

It is not just powerful when you are thanked, but equally powerful when you are giving thanks. Hearing “thank you” conveys a sense of accomplishment, positive reinforcement, of appreciation. Saying it expresses your gratitude for people and things — and can open up innumerable doors.

These two simple words, spoken with sincerity and conviction, can change the world. Why are we loath to express gratitude when there is no good reason for this to be so? We should more frequently and willingly share gratitude.

Feeling good

Don’t you love how it feels when you are thanked for a gift, for a compliment, for a job well done, for helping, and/or for thinking of someone? I have not met anyone who did not receive sincere thanks and NOT felt better and more positive because of it.



Murray "MJ" Blehart
a Few Words

I explore mindfulness, positivity, philosophy, & conscious reality creation. I love to help & inspire. And I also write sci-fi/fantasy.