The Sequence Of Life.

Abayomi Omoogun
a Few Words
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2020

If you love yourself, then you will love others.

If you love others, then you will love their flaws.

If you love their flaws, then you will have a preference.

If you have a preference, then you will have a taste.

If you have a taste, then you are matured.

If you are matured, then you will know what you want.

If you know what you want, then doing them becomes easy.

If doing them becomes easy, then life becomes simple for you.

If life becomes simple for you, then you understand life.

If you understand life, then you know life.

If you know life, then you know life is all about leaving a meaning.

If you know life is all about leaving a meaning, then you can die a peaceful death.

If you die a peaceful death, then you are bigger than the rest of us left on earth.

Everything all starts with you because only you can be the change you want to see.

The events in our lives happen in a sequence in time. But in their significance, to ourselves, they find their own order the continuous thread of revelation. Eudora Welty

