The Thought Of Finding Love

Trapped dreaming about love

Gabriela Vela
a Few Words
2 min readSep 20, 2020


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Doing the right thing

Haven’t gotten me anywhere

Be honest, be humble

Love people without expecting anything

Clean conscience

Loving everyone on my path

Treating them well like they deserve

Haven’t gotten me anywhere

No matter how hard I try

I put Effort to be someone good

Good people find love

Disney and movies taught me that

Aren´t they right?

I keep wishing to shooting stars

I’m broken-hearted

It will be easy if I hated everyone

But no,

I feel everything, all the time

Because I’m looking for you

I’m exhausted

Exhausted of the dark

Of feeling alone at night

Waiting for my “other half”

When is gonna be the time

I’m tired of waiting

Are you even real

Do you know I exist?

I don’t know why

I’m looking for something

That I don’t even know if it’s real

My hope and expectations are too high

I wanna land among the stars

I kept you as a secret in my mind

Pretending I´m fulfill

Living my best life

I’m full of strangers

And I lose my temper every time

I found out that someone´s pretending to be you

As soon as I close my eyes

You’re there

Giving me the love I think I deserve

I want you to be a picture on the back of my mind

Who made me a romantic?

Stupid Disney and Nicholas Sparks

Bedtime is the darkest

You appear in every dream

God this is exhausting

Counting Stars won´t work this time

Waking up with my heart in my throat

I’m scared of you and I don’t even know you

Every night I lay alone

Thinking of what if’s

You’re in every corner

Is this love?

The tricks of the mind I can´t figure out

I drink a cup of wine

Imagine you in front of me

Laughing and making me smile

But you’re a ghost that no one else can see

The Nicolas sparks novel

Romanticism at its best

I imagine you all the time

Your hand against mine

It’s never you at the end

Masochism is my state of mind

You’re losing me every night

Are you with someone else?

Are you looking for me?

Send me a sign

I know it’s kind of stupid

But is the way I feel right now

I don’t wanna picture you anymore

My life turns around you

Faces everywhere

Is that you?

Is like I’m in a box

Four walls,

Get out or come home

These walls are too high for me to jump

My tears have your reflection

Do you even know that?

Why can everyone find you?

This hide and seek game needs an end

