The Virus of Hatred

Its symptoms and its cure

Bruce S. Noll, CPC
a Few Words


It’s all around us, and it always has been. The difference between now and then is that then we were oblivious to it, the cure was hidden deep inside of our hearts and yet we were distracted by its insidious greed and its seemingly prosperous outside world.

Now we are awakening to its death toll. We have seen its destruction and we know it is in us. We know we have a choice. We can be done with fooling ourselves and we can own that each of us has within us the seeds of health and healing or further death and destruction.

How many more must die? How many deaths are enough?

The fever of unconsciousness will give us the chills of despair.

We will cough up all we own, gagging on useless materialism.

Our shortness of breath and difficulty breathing will smother all our senses.

Fatigue will exhaust us and we will grasp and gasp for any savior.

We will feel the muscle or body aches of too many hours worked for naught.

Our headache will not fade until we’ve righted the wrongs of a collective past.

New loss of taste or smell deprives us of life’s quality & the stench of death.



Bruce S. Noll, CPC
a Few Words

A believer in Lifelong Learning, Collaborative Wisdom, Positive Psychology, and Optimal Living. I co-create narratives that nurture abundance and Life.