Things you should guard with your life

Chilight Okalla
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2020

Things you should guard with your life: Food, when you are really hungry.

I’m coming back from school, tired and hungry, I’m gathering my last strength to walk, in my mind I just want to manage and get to my hostel so I can collapse there. It would be less dramatic.

My shoes are not helping matters, why are they so heavy? I can barely raise a foot.

Halfway to my hostel, someone calls my name from behind. I keep walking, I don’t want to turn because I have already programmed my mind and my legs are just trying to cooperate, turning to greet somebody was nowhere in the program, but I just turn, it might be somebody important, I see Macfray sitting at the small corner where they sell fish pie. Hot fish pie.

Immediately my intestines start to party. I get to Macfray who is my church brother and greet him, still managing to keep a strong, cheerful attitude, he wants to start a conversation, but i cant alter the program twice, so I resist. I ask him to buy me fish pie, he does.

I badly want to start munching this hot savior of a fish pie but I’m thinking; it wont look very good on me, I already look crazy and that is dramatic enough.

Few minutes later, this time, I can sight my hostel, I feel like a winner, a winner for reaching the finish line and the hot fish pie the star prize. All of a sudden, Helen is standing in front of me, where did she just appear from?

“Heyy Chiomzy whatsup? What happened to you? You look pale! She is gushing with enthusiasm and I cant match that so I manage to flash a weak smile..
Helen looks at my hand, sees my star prize and grabs it..
My mind is yelling. “NOOOO” but I’m too tired to speak..

“Chioma lemme take naa please. Thank you thank you..” she zooms off.

Everything stops. I look back,I am screaming Helen’s name in my head but couldn’t speak out.
I just got robbed..
My star prize is gone. My dreams, my fantasies, my hope, Just snatched.

I am almost in tears. The mixture of tears and anger that hangs around your neck like you have goitre… mine was larger than goitre.
I finally get to my hostel. And collapse on my bed.

I should have put my star prize in my bag. I should have guarded it.

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s publication that only accepts stories under 500 words.

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