
This Is Why People With Autism Have Worse Sleep: Science and Treatment

It might be due to their genetics


“Even a soul submerged in sleep
is hard at work and helps
make something of the world.”
Heraclitus, Fragments

According to the book:

People with autism have a “flatter” circadian rhythm. This essentially means that the peak in melatonin production is less in people with autism.

Again, this makes it harder to fall asleep.

Lastly, people with autism seems to have shorter REM sleep as well further contributing to worse sleep quality:

Treatment: Pills or Not?

The book further advises not to use sleeping pills. Why not? Because sleeping…



Psychology, Neuroscience, and Theories

Primary: Intelligence Amplification (Overlap: Computer Science) | Secondary: Sports (Data) Science (Specialization: Road Cycling and Resistance Training)