This Too Shall Pass

Women Are Strong, They Always Were…Happy Women’s Day

K A Simran
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2020


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

“You go after my weak spot and I will show you how strong I am.” —K A Simran

The man in the movie ‘My best friend’s Wedding’ was telling Julia Robert’s character about how his grandmother used to say, “This too shall pass.”

Megan wiped her tears like Julia Roberts’s character in the movie did and turned the television off.

She had not slept since last night. Her eyes were tired and red from all the crying. No, the movie was not the reason, the ugly truth was.

The ugly truth she had found out about her husband.

She got out of bed and went to check up on her husband, who was sleeping in the next room.

She opened the door without making any noise. Her husband was deep asleep.

“Are all men like him?” She thought.

Her inner voice immediately corrected her,

“Real men never do what this person did. Real men don’t hide the truth. They don’t emotionally trap women in relationships. They respect you enough to tell you everything, even if it means losing you. They love…

