Three Changes I Made to Better My Life

Emiie Rabitoy
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2023


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

I spent my twenties trying to live my life and now that I’ve found myself I’m trying to treat my body with love and kindness like I do my friends and family. It has already made a huge impact on my mental health and emotional well being but these three things are ones that I am enjoying most.

Drinking More Water

In my life it seems that I go through phases where I drink the proper amount of water or none at all. Recently I have made a point to drink my water and I feel like I have more energy, and I wake up feeling more refreshed.

Resetting Myself

Whether it’s EFT, meditation or journaling I have been making a point to reset myself when I feel stress or overwhelm coming on. This has allowed me to act with purpose and not just emotion. I have been making decisions that are wiser because of this.

I Got Intentional

The last thing I did that has arguably made the largest impact on my life lately is becoming intentional. Intentional with where I put my time and energy, how I speak to myself and those around me. It made me honestly pay attention to how I treat myself, I created a more positive self image, and inner monologue.

Being intentional also allowed me to focus on the impact I have on the world, life became less about showing up, and more about creating something lasting that I want to be proud of. The kind of mother, wife and friend I want to be, the things I want people to be able to say about me after I leave this world.



Emiie Rabitoy
a Few Words

Avid reader, social media specialist, former author VA, mother & coffee lover. Writes articles to help authors l, recommend books & share the joy of motherhood