Three Simple steps to develop willpower.

Research has shown that people can develop a mental muscle known as willpower.

Diksha Dhiman
a Few Words
3 min readSep 27, 2020


Why developing willpower is important?

University of Pennsylvania psychologists Angela Duckworth, Ph.D., and Martin Seligman, Ph.D., explored self-control in eighth-graders over the course of the school year. The researchers first gauged the students’ self-discipline (their term for self-control) by having teachers, parents, and the students themselves complete questionnaires. They also gave students a task in which they had the option of receiving $1 immediately or waiting a week to receive $2. They found students who ranked high on self-discipline had better grades, better school attendance, and higher standardized-test scores, and were more likely to be admitted to a competitive high school program. Self-discipline, the researchers found, was more important than IQ in predicting academic success.

Quite amazing, right?

Still, I would suggest you, sit and think “why do you want to build willpower?”

Because before learning anything, “why” is important!

Coming to the steps that can help you develop willpower :

Step 1: Finish what you begin :

We often start doing something out of sensation and excitement. But it often turns out hard to continue. It requires the willpower to stick to the process. Incorporating the practice of finishing activities that you have started into your daily schedule will help you big time!

For instance, we all eat approximately three times a day, how can we finish the process of eating? we can finish it by cleaning the utensils in which we have cooked or ate. By cleaning the utensils you are making your mind resist procrastination associated with cleaning the utensils. Hence, building the muscle “willpower”.

Step 2: Finish beyond your expectation:

What a loss in waiting for a few minutes after cleaning the utensils, so you can dry them and put it at their actual place (it will going to test your patience to the ultimate level!).

Finishing your activity by giving more than 100% effort will allow your brain nerves to work efficiently and that will eventually help you to build willpower. This is applicable to every situation from your office work to the academic presentation. Giving your 100% in every situation is always a terrific move.

Step 3: Design and intersect the self-imposed deadlines.

Creating yourself deadlines will help you to track how often you are not able to finish what you have started, conversely it will allow you to see where you need to put more effort.

For example, if you have designed a deadline for writing an article. There will be two outcomes either you will achieve it or not. Achieving the deadline will boost your confidence and will help you to nurture willpower. And in any case, if you will not achieve the deadline you can introspect the cause and can put more effort next time(win-win situation).

In a nutshell, if you will not be mentally strong, you can never be the kind of person you want to be! Hence,developing willpower is a good place to start.


