Three Simple Tips To Achieve Productivity In a Day

Abayomi Omoogun
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2019
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Productivity is something we all want to achieve as it pushes us to do more. But most times people confuse busyness with been productive. You don't need to do all the work at your desk before you can be productive as I wrote in my previous post. Productivity is all about batching your work and knowing when to do the important ones by knowing your peak period for work.

Here are 3 ways you can be productive in a day


Sometimes we can't have a productive day because we just don't know where to start from and when that is the case, the simple solution is to have a to-do list of everything we want to do or accomplish then prioritize our work based on its importance and urgency. It is important you set a to-do list a night before of all the activity we want to do the next day after writing them down, mark out the important ones and get to work on it. Writing a to-do list helps create an order for the day without disrupting our thinking with what next to do for when we are done with a particular work. Color note or writing on a peice of paper will do just fine. I personally prefer color note.

Batch your work

After prioritizing and making a to-do list of your work, it is important to batch our work if it is a long term work or project. I write for an hour every morning, I read a book for two hours every day in the afternoon, and I learn a new language with my duolingo app for 5 minutes a day. The essence of always batching our work is that it becomes a routine over time which later develops to form a habit. Finishing a book all at once or writing a 5000-word article is not the problem, rather we are looking for ways to achieve productivity in every area of our lives.

Make it a routine

The goal is not to be productive in a day and get busy with the remaining part of the week rather it is to be productive every single day and one way to achieve this is by creating a routine around what we do so that it becomes a habit. We become productive every single day because we made the whole process becomes a routine and it becomes an order in our lives.

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash


Productivity is what can be achieved daily only if we put in the work and the right attitude towards our work, by prioritizing our work and making a to-do list of what we want to do for the day as well as batching our work and making it a routine in our lives till it becomes a habit for us. These are the three things I do to achieve my productivity and I hope you give it a try to see if it works for you.

Share your thought with me in the comment section as I will love to hear what works for you.

