Walk It Out

A simple way to lessen stress

Thalia Dunn
a Few Words


Photo by Shaojie on Unsplash

When stress starts stressing me, I start walking.

‘Solvitur ambulando”

One of my favorite quotes ‘it is solved by walking” is attributed to St Augustine yet remains relevant for us today when feeling stressed.

Practical advice from a third century theologian!

When I’m stressed, which happens more often than I’d like, I start feeling physically agitated. Being long, lean and limber, I have lots of physical energy and stress seems to accentuate it. Quickly.

So walking, moving, swinging my arms back and forth is a great self-care technique to release the physical tightness.

“It is solved by walking.”

Can it really be that simple? My problems solved by walking around the block at the end of the day when I need to start fixing dinner or grading papers?

Walking is one of my favorite self-care strategies whenever I feel stressed about the amount of work spilling over in my “in” box, or when I fret about how I’ll ever be able to retire or about wanting to move and no clue about my next destination.

Walking physically helps to calm me down, which is a great way to begin de-stressing. And it helps me to deal with the current problem that demands my attention.

Does that mean I find a resolution as I walk? Not necessarily, but it helps me regain some semblance of perspective.

It gives me a chance to reflect on the problem and distance myself so I can look at it from a different viewpoint. By the end of my walk, my mind usually feels clearer — even if I haven’t discovered a new way of solving the situation.

Walking calms me even as it energizes. I feel physically stronger and emotionally charged and ready to confront the current stress.

And my second favorite self-care tip for dealing with stress?

Taking deep breaths of my lavender plant which provides instant calm.

Photo by Shelter on Unsplash

Breaths of lavender
and walks help to relax me;
my best remedies
to self-calm when over-run
with overwhelming stresses.

©Thalia Dunn

“It is solved by walking” St. Augustine



Thalia Dunn
a Few Words

I’ve been scribbling in notebooks and journals for years and finally decided to share with like-minded pilgrims on our adventure through life.