We do not need you

Isabella Madrid Malo
a Few Words
Published in
1 min readFeb 14, 2023

How is it possible
that a woman is condemned for her freedom
that a woman is diminished
as less
than a man

How is it possible that we still feel
hunted down at nights
walking alone
towards the lions

How is it possible that millions around the world
have to rise and speak
for equality of basic rights

What type of world do we live in?

How is it possible that we are raised to be placed
in a cage
where we have to proof to men our worth
our brains

My body is not your playground

How is it possible that the right to learn
is taken away
the doors remain closed
as we fight to enter

The patriarch
the colonizer
the man
has forgotten
the wild
the unstoppable
the woman
we will rise
we will resist
we will fight
we do not need you
and we are proving that

Credits: unknown



Isabella Madrid Malo
a Few Words

I write about what being a human feels like. Raw, real, naked.