What Does “Mind the Gap” Mean and How Can You Apply it to Your Life?

Kimberlee Murray
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2019


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

I usually have profound, life-altering epiphanies while taking my morning shower. I’m not sure what it is about this space and/or time, but the epiphanies happen while I’m chatting with myself and preparing for my day. Some people sing in the shower. I talk to myself.

One morning, my epiphany had to do with the time I lived in London, England after college. I often rode the subway (or tube) as a mode of transportation. Before each train arrived, you’d hear an automated voice come over the speakers and repeatedly say, “mind the gap.” This warning instructed riders to stay clear of the space between the platform and the train (the gap) until the train came to a complete stop.

The first time you hear the warning, you pay attention to the gap and move back. After a while, the motion to move away from the gap is automatic, regardless of whether you pay attention to the automated message. Your brain has already processed this message so many times you automatically mind the gap.

My shower epiphany had to do with how many times I replay and act on automated messages in my head. What words or phrases are on constant repeat in my brain and how can I mind the gap in my life?

Whew. That’s powerful stuff first thing in the morning.



Kimberlee Murray
a Few Words

A widow on a quest to make widowhood suck a little less. Offering practical tips and resources for widows managing grief and loss at www.widowsquad.com.