What It Feels Like To Live Your Life Purpose

Jordin James
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Daniel Cano

This is no longer about something I am supposed to do.

This is no longer about my performance.

It is about trusting the life force within me.

I can feel it in my belly and chest. It is all around me. Like I am on a galloping horse tearing across the land. Both on a mission and surrendering completely to the play of the thrill.

I’ve been afraid of this life force within me. The one calling me to get on the horse of my purpose. The one calling me to fully participate in my life.

I asked myself why I am afraid. And I responded, “Because I do not trust it.”

I do not trust my purpose to carry me to the places I want to go. I have learned to trust my performance. I have learned to trust capitalism. I have learned to trust the grind. I have trust in doing all the things I am supposed to be doing. In searching for admiration.

But this wild horse of a life purpose? So raw and real and alive? Do I dare to trust it?

Do I dare to let go of the man-made strategies I have put my faith in? Do I dare to let go of the certainty they offer?

When I let go of certainty, all I can feel is the raw rush of life coming up to meet me. It feels too much at first. But as I open wider to greet…



Jordin James
a Few Words

Worthiness coach, writer, parts work expert. Replacing loneliness with belonging, one part at a time. Find more: Jordinjames.com // Socials: @justjordinjames