What Our Faces Remind Us Of In Times Like These

Perspective and balance are just what the doctor ordered.

M.P. Erickson
a Few Words
3 min readSep 27, 2020


During difficult times it is all the more important to hold to solid truths. Our choices in speech and deed will impact those around us for better or for worse.

We need something to remind us each day of these foundations. Let’s use our face. Have you ever looked at your face and wondered why it’s put together the way it is?

The Eyes

The eyes have a wide field of vision and can focus on objects large and small. When they work together we have an accurate vision and depth perception. When they don’t, it can be hard to see what might be right in front of us.

So remember to work together with others to help visions move forward.

The eyes can’t look back unless we turn around. It’s the brain’s job to remember what was before and learn valuable lessons. But the eyes cast vision for the future.

So remember to learn from the lessons of the past, but not to turn back and relive it.

The Ears

Perfectly placed on your head, the ears can receive signals from any direction. They give us a sense of our surroundings and keep us alerted to respond in the correct way. But if we close our ears we no longer receive accurate signals and often can’t respond.

Remember to keep your ears open to know how to accurately respond to any situation.

You have two ears, and one mouth. You can turn off your mouth easily by choice, but your ears require more effort. Without listening to what or who is around you, how can you know what to say?

Remember to actively listen far more than you speak. With listening comes understanding, not always agreement.

The Nose

You have one nose with two nostrils. Some believe because one side may operate better one day over another, helping to keep your smell balanced.

Remember to sniff out both sides of an issue using the same standard. If you only scrutinize one side while giving the other a pass, you use an unequal measure and will get an unequal and often unjust result or perspective.

The Mouth

Your mouth both receives food and speaks words into the air. Your tongue can taste without swallowing, and be used to form words. When you open your eyes you are forced to see, but not so with your mouth. Words only come out by choice and can be used for great healing or great harm. The choice belongs to the wielder.

Remember to be cautious of what ideas and thoughts you choose to eat. They go inside and change you from the inside out.

Remember that you are in control of your words, and your tongue can be used as a scalpel or a sword. One brings healing, the other destroys.

Take some time to look at yourself in the mirror, and remember.



M.P. Erickson
a Few Words

Growing up around the world has given me a unique view to share. My goal is to challenge and give hope. Writer for Building Beginners; facebook.com/mp.erickson