Who is Considered By Respectable Men A Person of Good Conduct?

Mahatma Vidur Highlights The Behaviour of a Person with Good Conduct To Dhritarashtra.

HBR Patel
a Few Words
2 min readJan 4, 2023



Mahatma Vidur explains to the Dhritarashtra in what way a person of good conduct behaves. What characteristics constitute a person of good conduct?

Mahatma Vidur who was considered as a master of both religion and politics is called upon by his step-brother, the King of Hastinapur, for counselling. Mahatma Vidur explains to the king the behaviour of a person of good conduct. He says:

न वैरमुद्दीपयति प्रशान्तं न दर्ममारोहति नास्तमेति ।
न दुर्गतोऽस्मीति करोति मन्युं तमार्य शीलं परमाहुरग्र्यम् ॥ ९३॥

He who raketh not up to old hostilities, who behaveth neither arrogantly nor with too much humility, and who even when distressed never committeth an improper act, is considered by respectable men a person of good conduct.

We often tend to remember the negative events in our lives and that too with minute details. The people who we consider our enemies are often at the top of our revenge list. We stick to negative emotions and hold grudges for a long long time.

Remember the experiment of holding a glass for 20 seconds, 20 minutes, and 20 hours. Even though the weight of the glass remains the same it is the duration of the time that makes the difference.

Don’t hold the negative emotions for too long otherwise, they will leave a deeply negative and destructive impact on your life.

Thus, Mahatma Vidur explains that the person of good conduct never remembers or renews the old hostilities. Forgive and forget to move on and make a difference in life.

The next quality of a person with good conduct is that they are neither arrogant nor they are too much humble. They are a combination of both as they know when to act with what qualities.

History is full of people that invited their destruction by being arrogant. And remember being too humble in this world is also harmful in many ways. Personally, I don’t think that too much humility hurts.

The next quality is that the person of good conduct never ever commits an improper act. Even when such a person is surrounded by difficulty and distress, such people never ever commit an immoral act.

People often blame the situation or the company when they perform an immoral act. But the person of good conduct never ever comes under the pressure or the influence of bad situations or companies.

They forge their own way with their good character and make a positive impact on their life and the life of others.

Such are the qualities of a person with good conduct. Implementing those qualities will surely make a difference in our life.



HBR Patel
a Few Words

Learning to Read, Write, Design & Pray aptly. Author of Political Fiction POTUS#45 & few more. Inspiring myself with my words to excel. હસતા રહેજો! hbrpatel.com