Wholeness over Happiness

Appreciating the highs and lows as part of the journey

Gill Altuna
a Few Words
1 min readJul 4, 2020


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

As I grow older, I find peace of mind more alluring than happiness. Happiness is a great end to strive for, but experience taught me that life’s lows are as important (if not more) than its highs. The struggle matters. The trying matters. If not for the pit bottoms of this journey, I don’t think I would have allowed myself to relish the moments that granted me pure joy.

I found that peace exists in the space between these undulations — a balance that comes comes by when we start accepting that life is not only measured by our defining moments, but also by how much we live through the unseen, unhighlighted ordinary that exists in between.

Apart from happiness, I hope we do seek peace and strive for wholeness — of being grossly comfortable with our flawed but fantastic selves, finding meaning in our struggles, taking inventory of the universe’s everyday gifts and appreciating our sharp defining moments as well as the most boring, ordinary, beautiful things.

