Why Does Your Heart Beat in a Spinning World?

Perhaps it’s to make Earth our In-Group

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words


Photo by Todd Cravens, Unsplash

Woman, man, gender, class
On which belonging do you trespass?

The truth is, it’s made up: white or Black
(Selfish power and greed invented that)

We have cultures, counties, nations
But leaves, trees, and bees are natural relations

Remember that borders, like money, are fiction
Created for “inclusive” jurisdiction

Yes, culture is great, well worth sharing
But let shared love be sum of all comparing

Perhaps too silly? Perhaps naïve?
Rainbows are teardrops God alone can weave.

If so, why on Earth is your heart thumping
Why have something instead of nothing?

You DO have a heart, on a world that spins
Why not follow it to where all beauty begins

In-group, out-group, identity, race
Is it more real than a blue marble in space?



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
a Few Words

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.