Why I Am an “Ajerkist”

Who doesn’t believe anyone’s a jerk

Phoenix Huber
a Few Words


Photo by Elnur on Shutterstock.

People have wondered about my unusual belief system.

Not believing in dragons or werewolves would be one thing. But how could I be an “ajerkist” who denies jerks exist?

Ajerkism (made-up noun): A disbelief in the existence of jerks, assholes, and meanie-bobeanies. Insistence that no human being is fundamentally motherfuckerish.

My bizarre philosophy is rooted in vulnerability.

When someone called me a jerk before, I felt defensive. Anger and humiliation clouded my mind.

I wanted to be forgiven, and focus on being a better person today. Instead, my anger from being called a jerk kept distracting me.

I became determined to see everyone as a good person. I want everyone to feel supported to improve.

We can choose how to interpret people’s behavior.

Words and actions are real. But no matter the situation, it’s never an objective fact that someone’s a Douchey McDouchepants.

Horrific things have been done, I know.



Phoenix Huber
a Few Words

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: Ko-fi.com/phxhu