Why Is It so Difficult to make Animated Movies

It is way more difficult than we think…

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2 min readMay 14, 2021


Photo by Veit Hammer on Unsplash

So, Most of the people think that animated movies are just made for kids. But it actually isn’t true, cause they are made for everyone. Most of the adults likes and prefers to watch live action movies. Now, this is because Live action movies stimulates the real world better than animation can, but on the other hand animation gives the producers and businesses the power to do far more than is possible in real life all with the power of drawing.

Making animated movies takes such a long time and it is so much harder than making live action. Just considering the general overall dynamics, live action shoots take place within a real movie world, where as Animation is constructed, drawn and electronically created.

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Animation is also very expensive, more so than live action. As a good animation will involve many specialized talents and require as much budget as live action. Just as you can do live action with budgets of all sizes, the same applies to animation. More budget allows better and more sophisticated outputs.

But let’s not forget that despite its numerous practical applications in business or medicine, animation still remains a form of art. It involves producing something new and requires both technical skills and creativity. There is a huge crew of people behind the creation of just a single animated movie.

So, we can conclude that it is very difficult and also takes a lot of hard work and effort to just make a single Animated movie. And even after doing all these things, no one can guarantee if this movie will be a blockbuster or a flop one.

