Why it’s Important to Refrain From Judging Someone From Another Culture

A quick look at diversity in the college environment

Kimberley Payne
a Few Words
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2020


Namaste! (Hello!)

I work at a Canadian college and last year we had a historically large influx of international students with the majority of them coming from India.

As I work in customer service with these students, I thought it would be of mutual benefit for me to research and identify their beliefs and values.

I discovered three main values of this group:

  • family
  • personal space
  • negotiating

Knowing these values will help influence my customer service interaction with members of this group and will be helpful to others prior to a customer service interaction.

The first value of this group is family

Unlike our culture in Canada, people in India respect the elderly and look to them for advice. Many generations may live together in one household along with other relatives.

Knowing this has helped me to understand and empathize with the fact that many international students travel great distances to come to college as they stay with extended family in other…



Kimberley Payne
a Few Words

Jesus Follower. Oma. Author. Writing to help others grow closer to God. Download 5 Free Prayer Models at www.kimberleypayne.com/freebies/