Will We Ever Run Out Of Content?

Dylan Chia
a Few Words
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2020


Photo by AbsolutVision from Unsplash

There’s an article for everything now. Unsure of how to use Excel functions? There’re dozens of sites that can teach you. Worried about getting over a breakup? No worries, there’re hundreds of articles that can help you. Want to find scholarly sources for your essay? Not a problem when Google Scholar literally exists. So the problem is, are we out of new things to write?

The short answer is no, and the reason is simple. We’ll always strive to achieve better things, and so along our journey to improvement, we’ll also be simultaneously on the journey to experience the new and unexpected, content people will be more interested in.

Innovation drives us, and thus, we can look forward to new technology, new problems, new solutions, and even new research papers. All of which would result in new content.

There are literally limitless possibilities and uncountable potential opportunities life has in store for you, and if you simply grasp those chances and make full use of those experiences to forge new learning experiences, then fresh, new content will naturally come knocking on your door.

Consider this, by trying out that cross country road trip you’ve always wanted or by going on that scuba dive you’ve researched, you’ll open your mind to newer experiences that will definitely make for interesting content. Even…



Dylan Chia
a Few Words

A creative space for me to transform my thoughts into words