Work/Life Balance, How Do I Achieve This?

What you can start doing, today.

Spencer Josephson
a Few Words
3 min readFeb 12, 2023


Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

What balance looks like in life

To keep your balance you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein.

It’s interesting that the man who put the scientific community on its head is also known for understanding what balance looks like in life.

The short and sweet point of this article is to discuss what you can do to be proactive in living a more balanced life.

What this means specifically, is finding a healthy interrelationship between your professional and personal life. In what ways do people achieve this?

How others find balance

The reason why a balanced life works well for some people, and not others is in the approach to the end result.

A split 50/50 balance between work and home life may be balance for one person but not another.

This means that you need to find the healthy balance that works right for you. Don’t try to copy another person’s seemingly put together life.

They key is not in their day to day tasks. It’s in their purpose of finding balance.

You are best served then seeking out a why to your balanced life. If you want to improve your worth and joy at work and home, you need to ask yourself why.

Inner commitment will manifest outward action.

Why is this important?

In the age of career burnout, mass layoffs, and pandemics, people are realizing that their health, worth, and success is more important to them then ever.

What part of your work or personal life do you not like right now?

Are you lacking a sense of identity in your career? Is your finances keeping you from breathing easier each day?

My purpose is helping you find that balance to life a more purpose filled life each day of each year.

Go for that job or career that you seek. Reach for that financial goal that has been on your mind for the past few years now.

It’s true that leaders can’t give their employees work-life balance. Each person has to decide for themselves whether they will take it. But a major consideration in their decision is how their work-life balance will affect their career and how they are perceived in the organization. —

My personal insight

It wasn’t until I took school seriously, that I began making relationships with faculty members. One mentor suggested that I reach out to career professionals in the field I was interested in.

This made all the difference in my purpose for balance. Finally, in the final calendar year of my undergrad, I’ve discovered my why for future balance.

My balance involves me making an impact on the employee experience at work. The second part of my balance is to love and grow with family and friends.

Harvard business Review did a study on what they found employees felt kept them from having more balance in life. A quote from them included,

achieving better balance between professional and personal priorities boils down to a combination of reflexivity — or questioning assumptions to increase self-awareness — and intentional role redefinition-HBR

Again, be proactive and specific in what you want to create a better balance in your life.

Work on this balance weekly. It requires a periodical review with a support team and redefined goals.

Apply these principles in your Life

Identify one area of your career or personal life that you want to improve. Decide by asking yourself this, “If I got better at [insert] then I would feel more centered in my life.”

Focusing on your own area of influence will help your ability to improve your circumstance. Visualize that balance you seek. Your journey to that destination begins now.

What steps can you take to move towards the balance that you want in your professional and personal life? I create articles centered around making progress during this.

This involves career growth and personal finance. I’m excited to announce I have developed my first growth template, where I will send out with my first newsletter next month.



Spencer Josephson
a Few Words

HR Generalist in Healthcare. I write to provide insight in workplace behavior.