Would You Look at That?

It’s time for me to fall again.

Maisha Rachmat
a Few Words
1 min readMar 22, 2022


Photo by Dapo Oni on Unsplash

would you look at that
the nights we’d spend in your car
laughing and singing to our hearts
and the sunsets we’d spend on my swing
watching the world go to sleep
have started to blur and distance themselves away from my present

all I can see is dust particles of memories
withering and flying away, all the way back to you
as if to say, “I still love you, but in a different way now.”

I never thought this day would come
the day I’d be ok imagining you with someone else
maybe that woman you worked with, the one you admired from afar
I feel ok seeing myself with someone else, even if I’m not sure what they’ll look like

I hope they have your eyes, your mind
the unique way you see the world
or maybe they’ll have your smile, your laughter
your carefree-ness that balances my uptight tendencies
maybe I’ll see traces of you at the beginning
until they come into a person of their own

would you look at that
I can’t believe the day has come
for me to fall in love again.



Maisha Rachmat
a Few Words

Full-time content writer, part-time poetry enthusiast.