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Write: a 100 word poem about inspiration

Tara Europe
a Few Words


When I’m down, I like to write.

When I write, I like to think.

When I think, start to notice myself — I start to be mindful.

When I am mindful, I appreciate where I am and who I am.

When I appreciate, I become inspired, and when I’m inspired, I feel hope rise up into my heart.


Let your mind wander.

Go back into the world and share the goodness you just discovered.

This story is published in a Few Words, Medium’s publication that only accepts stories under 500 words.

If you have a few meaningful words to say and want to be a writer in our publication, visit here.



Tara Europe
a Few Words

developer by day, writer by dusk, sleeper by night. If you like what you read, clap the article and follow me for more discoveries!