Written Words OR Painted Colours,

what would you choose?

a Few Words
2 min readMay 19, 2022


Painting by the author — Shweta Shenoy

This creativity in the form of art of words or colours pours out of me as if my heart wishes to sing all day and all night, like an indefinite expression my heart longs for! Some days it dances with words and some in fluid colour form. Painting is a lot of divine energy, which as an artist I truly love!

I feel my hand move over the paper with colours at the tip of the brush often keeps me captivated. It’s like my heart is somersaulting and the seat of my soul is directing my hand in the way it does. It feels odd perhaps. It feels majestic how I work with my creative senses to build a new picture almost not knowing what I am creating. There is magic in the process. In these vibrant colourful worlds, I see reflections of my mind, echoing the beats of my heart and the way I think. With all of this, painting gives me a sense of peace I cannot find another way.

Paintings by Author — Shweta Shenoy

Author’s Note: I have always loved writing & painting all my life and it has been a parallel journey. If I’d had to pick one among them, it would be having to make a tough choice, like asking a mother to pick her favourite child. I don't think I will ever be able to choose writing or only painting. Both of these define me and pull me into a state of stillness and spiritual energy, I’d love to find myself in!

I am certain there are many writers out there who love both art & writing! From the top of my mind, I would like to give a shout out to the people I have observed doing both ( Priyanka Srivastava Gurpreet Dhariwal Thalia Dunn Toni Crowe Dr Fatima Imam Kimberly Hampton Nilsson, & yes many more sorry if I have missed mentioning you) believe they can’t choose one over the other & yes a dedicated publication too by Suntonu Bhadra who rightly believes we are soon handwritten notes will soon disappear —



a Few Words

Exploring my world one day at a time with joy & passion — via words, books, paints & travel. Making sense of what life means to me on this journey