You Are Allowed to Be Sad

It’s a part of being human

Maisarah Atan
a Few Words


Photo by Trym Nilsen on Unsplash

Sadness is sadly underrated. It is always being discussed as a negative feeling. People want to avoid being sad and always rush to go back to being happy.

We force ourselves to shake it off. We tell ourselves to buck up. We want so much to get out of it and be better — like it’s a disease or something.

It seems like sadness is not being treated fairly as a human emotion — that is no different than being happy or angry.

The truth is, sadness needs to be viewed as a part of life as it should be. It is not something that we should avoid entirely.

Experience shapes our personality. When we are being challenged with a problem or a conflict, we either surrender and give up; or we rise above the challenge and grow.

The emotions — sadness included — serve to give the experience a little flavor. How does it feel to lose someone you love? How does it feel to fail? How does it feel to be betrayed?

When you get the real taste of the experience, that’s when you learn from it. That’s how you make sure that you don’t make the same mistake.

As silly and unrealistic it might sound, I allocate some time in my life to allow myself to feel sad. Some days might be more pressing than the other, so we…



Maisarah Atan
a Few Words

Mother, Writer, Storyteller | Sharing anecdotes on the highs and lows of relationships, parenting, and everyday life.